Panel: Khalid should appeal if he feels suspension unfair
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Wong Choon Mei
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 13: PAS vice president and head of disciplinary committee Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man has expressed regret at news that his party colleague Khalid Samad had decided not to appeal against his six months’ suspension.
But Tuan Ibrahim stressed that party procedure and etiquette had to be followed before any review could be conducted.
“The disciplinary committee had checked thoroughly before making its decision. I am of course saddened that my colleague feels hurt but sincerely, it was not meant to be personal,” Tuan Ibrahim told Harakahdaily.
“We cannot force anyone to appeal. It is their right to accept the punishment handed out. But I would urge both Khalid and Hasan not to shy away from the board. It is just a procedure and it is not like they are begging the party. Members must understand we can only review cases if a request has been submitted.”
Due process
Khalid, the MP for Shah Alam, was found guilty of breaching PAS rules by calling on Selangor commissioner Hasan Ali to resign and for divulging to the media what had transpired at a state liaison meeting last year.
His suspension extends to all position he holds in the party, including as Shah Alam division chief and as committee member of the central political bureau.
At the same time, Hasan was found guilty of discrediting the Selangor government by issuing public statements without going through internal channels. He was issued a warning letter by the disciplinary board.
The two leaders were probed by a three-man panel headed by Tuan Ibrahim. Both Khalid and Hasan have 30 days from January 29 - the day the panel announced its decision - to lodge their appeals.
PAS must be united or Pakatan will be weakened
Meanwhile, there have been calls for the disciplinary committee to re-open the case. Some have even accused the panel for bowing to the wishes of the conservative faction within the party and chastising Khalid more than Hasan.
"That is not true. I understand how they feel but we must follow due process. I can only repeat, please appeal if you feel unfairly treated. But I hope that whatever their decisions, it will not tarnish or create controversy for PAS," Tuan Ibrahim said.
"This is the time when everyone in Pakatan Rakyat needs to pull together in the same direction, We are facing enormous obstacles thrown at us by the Umno-BN.
"Look at how they are hounding us in Perak, Penang and Selangor, The last thing we need is to be angry with each other. If PAS is weakened, Pakatan is also weakened."
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 13: PAS vice president and head of disciplinary committee Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man has expressed regret at news that his party colleague Khalid Samad had decided not to appeal against his six months’ suspension.
But Tuan Ibrahim stressed that party procedure and etiquette had to be followed before any review could be conducted.
“The disciplinary committee had checked thoroughly before making its decision. I am of course saddened that my colleague feels hurt but sincerely, it was not meant to be personal,” Tuan Ibrahim told Harakahdaily.
“We cannot force anyone to appeal. It is their right to accept the punishment handed out. But I would urge both Khalid and Hasan not to shy away from the board. It is just a procedure and it is not like they are begging the party. Members must understand we can only review cases if a request has been submitted.”
Due process
Khalid, the MP for Shah Alam, was found guilty of breaching PAS rules by calling on Selangor commissioner Hasan Ali to resign and for divulging to the media what had transpired at a state liaison meeting last year.
His suspension extends to all position he holds in the party, including as Shah Alam division chief and as committee member of the central political bureau.
At the same time, Hasan was found guilty of discrediting the Selangor government by issuing public statements without going through internal channels. He was issued a warning letter by the disciplinary board.
The two leaders were probed by a three-man panel headed by Tuan Ibrahim. Both Khalid and Hasan have 30 days from January 29 - the day the panel announced its decision - to lodge their appeals.
PAS must be united or Pakatan will be weakened
Meanwhile, there have been calls for the disciplinary committee to re-open the case. Some have even accused the panel for bowing to the wishes of the conservative faction within the party and chastising Khalid more than Hasan.
"That is not true. I understand how they feel but we must follow due process. I can only repeat, please appeal if you feel unfairly treated. But I hope that whatever their decisions, it will not tarnish or create controversy for PAS," Tuan Ibrahim said.
"This is the time when everyone in Pakatan Rakyat needs to pull together in the same direction, We are facing enormous obstacles thrown at us by the Umno-BN.
"Look at how they are hounding us in Perak, Penang and Selangor, The last thing we need is to be angry with each other. If PAS is weakened, Pakatan is also weakened."
8:37 PM
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